Kamis, 14 November 2013

Analytical Exposition

     Hello readers! In this post, I want to tell you my opinions about going to school by riding a bicycle. I will explain the advantages and disadvantages about going to school by a bicycle in my point of view.

     Due to the new government policy that said we should go to school by riding a bicycle. This policy is being socialized in 2013. Everything has its own good and bad, positives and negatives, advantages and disadvantages. So right now I will explain it all.

     The first is the advantages of going to school by riding a bicycle.

1. Make our environment cleaner
    Bicycle is the only vehicle which is caused no pollution. Bicycle doesn't need a fuel which produce CO and making the air pollution. Therefore, riding a bicycle to school can reduce the air pollution and make our environment cleaner.

2. You will be healthier
    Riding a bicycle is one kind of a sport. It's good for your health and sure, it will make your body healthier.

3. Minimize the traffic jam
    Do you see how is the condition of the road in the morning? When everybody is going out from their house going to anywhere and making the traffic jam every single day? When the parents use their car or motorcycle to deliver their children to school? If the students go to school by riding a bicycle, we can minimize the traffic jam. Have you ever wondered if all of the students are going to school by a bicycle? The traffic jam in the morning will be minimized.

      The second is the disadvantages of going to school by riding a bicycle.

1. It can make you tired
     Riding a bicycle to school can be tiring. Bicycle has no automatic machine, we should pedal the bicycle if we want it works. It will be okay if the distance between your school and your home is not too far away, you will not be really tired. But how if your house is so far away from your school? Doesn't it feel very tired to riding a bicycle to school? If you feel tired, then you might be feel sleepy during the day of school and you can't study well.

2. It's a little bit risky and unsafe
    Riding a bicycle to school is not safe. Remembering that there is no special line or space for a bicycle in the road while in fact, the road in Indonesia especially Bandung is very crowded, especially in the morning. The chance that the bicycle will be hit buy the other vehicles like motorcycle, car, or even bus is higher than if we use the other vehicle. 

3. It's easy to be stolen
    Bicycle is so easy to be stolen, especially if there are no extra safety such as padlock or something. Remembering that the level of criminality in our city and country is a little bit high.

4. It's depend on the weather
     What if the weather is bad? What if it's rainy all day long? You can't go to school, right? I know that you can use the rainy coat to school, but it's very complicated to riding a bicycle with a rainy coat. So riding a bicycle depends on the weather.

5. Bicycle is expensive
    Nowadays, the price of the bicycle and the motorcycle is quietly the same. In my opinion, motorcycle is more efficient than the bicycle. The motorcycle is safer, it's not too complicated if we use the rainy coat while riding the motorcycle, and riding a motorcycle will not drain a lot of energies. I know that the motorcycle is producing CO and making the air pollution. But I think motorcycle is better.

     From all above, we can see that in my point of view, riding bicycle to school has more disadvantages than the advantages. So, I rather go to school by a motorcycle or the other vehicle. I think public transportation is good. Because, I live so far away from my school. I can't imagine if I go to school by a bicycle, I will be really really really tired. Then again, to be honest, I can't ride a bicycle.... So, nope. I will not go to school by riding a bicycle. But that's just my opinion. How about yours?

Minggu, 10 November 2013

If Clause

I will be happy if I......

  1. Can do anything I want
  2. Can buy anything I want
  3. Can turn back the time
  4. Can be in someone else's body and be his/her soul for a while! That will be very amazing
  5. Can be invisible for a while
  6. Can read someone else's mind
  7. Can fly, absolutely!
  8. Can go around the world with all of my dearest friends
  9. Can live in a fairytale for a moment
  10. Can make the people whom I love happy

If I have a billion rupiah, I will.......

  1. Be shopping everyday!
  2. Buy the things which are limited edition and of course, expensive.
  3. Save it for my future life
  4. Buy my own house with a luxurious things inside
  5. Buy a luxurious car
  6. Help children in poor villages to go to school and study so they can be a success person
  7. Travel around the world, go to every beautiful places in this world
  8. Give some of my money to the people in need
  9. Buy a grand piano
  10. Last but not least, if I have a billion rupiah, I will be rich. Right?

Honey Bee

      Honey bees (or honeybees) are a subset of beesin the genus Apis, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of perrenial, colonial nests out of wax. Honey bees are the only extant members of the tribe Apini, all in the genus Apis. Currently, there are only seven recognised species of honey bee with a total of 44 subspecies, though historically, anywhere from six to eleven species have been recognised. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the approximately 20,000 known species of bees. Some other types of related bees produce and store honey, but only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees.
      This is the scientific classification of honeybee :
          Kingdom : Animalia
          Phylum : Arthropoda
          Class : Insecta
          Order : Hymenoptera
          Family : Apidae
          Subfamily : Apinae
          Genus : Apis
      These are the type of honeybee species :
          1. Subgenus Micrapis
              a. Apis andreniformis
              b. Apis florea
          2. Subgenus Megapis
              a. Apis dorsata
          3. Subgenus Apis
              a. Apis cerana
              b. Apis koschevnikovi
              c. Apis mellifera
              d. Apis nigrocincta
      How does honeybee produce honey ?
      A honeybee starts the honey making process by visiting a flower and gathering some of its nectar. Many plants use nectar as a way of encouraging insects to stop at the flower. In the process of gathering nectar, the insect transfers pollen grains from one flower to another and pollinates the flower.
Most flower nectars are similar to sugar water -- sucrose mixed with water. Nectars can contain other beneficial substances as well. To make honey, two things happen: Enzymes that bees produce turn the sucrose (a disaccharide) into glucose and fructose (monosaccharides). See how food works for a discussion of food enzymes and saccharides, and most of the moisture has to be evaporated, leaving only about 18-percent water in honey.
      Here is a very nice description of the enzyme process: An enzyme, invertase, converts most of the sucrose into two six-carbon sugars, glucose and fructose. A small amount of the glucose is attacked by a second enzyme, glucose oxidase, and converted into gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The gluconic acid makes honey an acid medium with a low pH that is inhospitable to bacteria, mold, and fungi, organisms we call microbes, while the hydrogen peroxide gives short-range protection against these same organisms when the honey is ripening or is diluted for larval food. Honey bees also reduce the moisture content of nectar, which gives it a high osmotic pressure and protection against microbes.

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Short Story and Summary - Two Friends and A Bear

   Vijay and Raju were friends. On a holiday, they went into a forest. They were enjoyig the beauty of nature. Suddenly, they saw a bear coming at them. They were frightened.

   Raju who knew how to climbing trees, ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. He did not think of Vijay. He left Vijay down there. He did not care what will be happened to Vijay down there with that scary bear. Vijay left down there, he did not know how to climb a tree.

   Vijay did not know what to do. Vijay thought for a second. He had heard animals do not prefer dead bodies. He fell to the ground and held his breath, pretending like he was dead. The bear sniffed him and thought he was dead. So, the bear went away.

   After the bear went away, Raju climbed down the tree. Then he asked Vijay, "What did the bear whisper into you ears?"

   Vijay replied, "The bear asked me to keep away from a friend like you." and went on his way.

Summary :
There were two friends. They got into a trouble, but one of them was so selfish, he escaped from the trouble without caring about his friend who still trapped in a trouble.

Characters :
Raju : Selfish and doesn't care about his friend that trapped in a trouble
Vijay : Clever, brave, and honest. He is brave and honest enough to say that he decided to keep away from Raju.

Settings : 
In the forest

Moral Value :
A friend in need is a friend indeed


   Hello! My name is Nindya Resti Ramadhani Putri, you can call me Resti by the way. In this post, I'm going to tell you about my SWaD which are my Strength, my Weakness, and my Dream.

   There are a lot of people in this world, but God created every human different with each other, there will be no two people in this world who exactly the same. God created us with our own strength and weakness that make us different with each other. Then, there will be no one who exactly the same with me. So, like the other human, I also have my own strength and weakness.

   In this life, there are so many things that can be learned as a lesson of life. I'm the one who can easily learn and understand what 'life' gives to me. Those lessons of life which can make me to be a better person. So I think, this is one of my strength. Besides, I also have  the other strength. I'm a good listener and I love helping my friends who need a help, I don't know how but helping each other is making me happy, so I love doing that.

   As a human being, I also have some weaknesses. But by the time goes by, I'm trying to improve all of my weaknesses. When I was a kid, I used to be a selfish and careless girl, and I also have to admit that I'm a little bit lazy. Then again, sometimes I can't solve my problems well. Sometimes, I can't solve it by myself, I still need other people to help me to solve my problems. But I hope someday I can be a better person.

   And like the other people, I also have some dreams. Everyone want to be a success person, so do I. I want to be a better person in the future. I want to make my parents proud. I want to live happily. And I want to be an architect in the future. I hope all of my dreams will come true, someday. Ameen.

   I think that's all. Thank you for reading!